Over the past several weeks, I have been presented questions regarding energy issues. I share some of the questions and my answers with you:

Do you really believe that Mexico will effectively privatize its energy sector?
We need to hope that Mexico is successful in privatizing its energy sector. Since 1938, Mexico has been under strict governmental guidelines with no privatization in place. Over the past several years, there has been an oil production decline in Mexico. Mexico has strong potential to enhance oil and gas production by the support of US technology alone. Mexico’s energy security only means a more secure North America.

How can “I” be involved in our energy future?
As I state in my book, America Needs America’s Energy: Creating Together the People’s Energy Plan”, the first step we can take is to conduct a self-audit of our own personal energy use. In my book, I provide forms. The idea is create your own personal energy plan for several years ahead. For instance, your goal for 2015 may be to convert your car to CNG. At the end of each year, you can check to see if you have met your goals. If not, you can either adjust your goals for the next few years or list the steps needed to achieve your personal energy goals in the future. You may want to include others in this initial planning stage, such as your family, your company, or your organization.

Is it that important that America becomes energy independent?
Our national security has long been one of the most important assets we cherish. Today, nothing in America moves without energy, but the definition of energy security isn’t confined to fuel for transportation. It also extends to power generation. To be independent means not just avoiding foreign oil, but creating a forward-thinking infrastructure that provides for our lifestyle needs. Energy security ensures we have the reliable energy sources to meet our needs that are available within our own country. By aiming forward to energy independence, we will lead our country to economic prosperity and energy security.

Is it still possible that there will be a future “hydrogen economy?”
How fast we will move forward towards a hydrogen economy is yet to be seen. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 authorized more than $2 billion for a hydrogen fuel cell program by 2020. Hydrogen is used presently to power commercial buses, and hydrogen is used in many commercial applications for welding metal, to dying fabrics, to making electronic plastics and fertilizers.

As I stated in my book, America Needs America’s Energy, hydrogen pros: it burns cleanly, can be quickly refueled, is the most abundant element on the planet and is twice as efficient as gasoline. The hydrogen cons: a large quantity of energy is required to produce it for energy, there is no significant infrastructure, and few refueling stations for hydrogen-powered cars.

It is critical to realize that natural gas (CH4) will be an important factor when we enter the hydrogen economy.

It is time we come together! The US has the immediate challenge of striving for energy independence. It is extremely important that the US be in a strong position of securing energy reserves within its own boundaries. America Needs America’s Energy!

Please let me know what you think, go to www.peopleseenergyplan.com Facebook: America Needs America’s Energy, with 12000 supporters and counting. — America Needs America’s Energy: Creating Together the People’s Energy Plan!